MBS Touches South Sudan
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Twenty-two years of civil war have ravaged Sudan, leaving victims of death, torture, rape and starvation. Into this terrible suffering steps two ministries: God’s Tender Mercy (GTM) and the Maryland Bible Society. GTM was founded for the purpose of caring for and educating the souls and bodies of orphans who somehow managed to survive and arrive in the small village of Pajok, South Sudan. MBS provides encouragement, prayer and some financial support to GTM. With the grace of God, these young children walk into the welcoming arms of David and Grace Omal Ocee who co-founded the ministry with Jeff and Kathy Huber. Jeff Huber travel from Maryland to Pajok annually and the family’s desire is to spend a few year’s in Pajok to support and strengthen the ministry.
David inherited 15 acres of fertile land from his family and thankfully it was still undisturbed after the war. Returning home, David and Grace with their 7 children, decided God was calling them to receive more of His Children. Farming started immediately with 6 acres that produced enough food for the family and orphaned children for 5 months. The great blessing of this country is the climate provides 2 growing seasons. As they are able, more and more of the land will be farmed and become a major part of the economic recovery of Pajok.
Educating the children is a major concern of the ministry. Already five 20’ circular mud huts have been constructed and provide space for the nursery, kindergarten and 1st grade classes. With startup funding from MBS they are in the process of building a permanent structure that will be large enough for religious services, fellowship, and activities. Those teaching in the school and working on the farm are people hired from the village, again helping to establish an economic base. The vision is for Pajok and the surrounding areas to have Bible teaching churches for a grounded Christian community, to be educated, self-sufficient and prosperous, committed to Jesus Christ.
The children are taught through the entirety of Scripture so they may be grounded in their faith. There is also an annual Bible conference to teach the adults to help them grow in their faith. The children in the orphanage are receiving extra instruction to read and write in English beyond the school curriculum. To enhance the school curriculum, a local conference for the teachers of Pajok was provided, on how to use phonics, enabling them to better teach reading. Currently there are 20 orphans in residence and 160 children in school this year. Also, there is a desire to organize a ministry for the deaf to help them read and communicate. As you can see, the founders of GTM have accomplished a great deal in 3 short years.
Please keep them in your prayers. Deut. 10:18 “God defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing”
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