MBS Encourages BGEA’s My Hope
Maryland Bible Society wants to encourage our readers and donors to be aware of the opportunities offered by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
BGEA’s national initiative, My Hope, provides you with the opportunity and tools to promote and equip your local churches to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a very personal way.
The BGEA has produced and made available to churches, groups and communities evangelistic resources free of charge. They offer a message of hope through films such as “Heaven”, The Cross” and the newest release, “The Value of a Soul”. The films include powerful Gospel presentations alongside stories of transformation.
The personal touch of the program is finding success. To be prepared, BGEA is also providing discipleship materials as churches and individuals engaged with new believers.
Foremost above all is beginning your involvement with prayer. It is of first importance that the work begin by praying specifically for people who need the hope found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
My Hope began in Central America in 2002 and has since been implemented around the world, effecting a total of 60 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americans and the Middle East. 305 Churches and 4 million homes have participated and over 10 million salvations and rededication decisions for Jesus Christ have been recorded.
If you are interested in your church, group or small group being involved with My Hope, contact Lori Boutieller, Field Representative through her email lboutieller@billygraham.org or call at 301-992-4894. The website address is www.MyHopeWithBillyGraham.org
We also want to invite you to join the BGEA’s Decision America Tour Maryland Prayer Group on Facebook. To join together with us in prayer for our nation, our state, and our communities you can find your state’s prayer group at www.DecisionAmericaTour.com
The Maryland Bible Society is dedicated to igniting fresh passion for God’s Word. This is yet another way to participate in our effort to bring spiritual changes to the lives of our neighbors. We can be reached by emailing us at cjohnson@mdbible.org or calling Cathy Johnson at 410-685-4040. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Please consider becoming a monthly provider online at our website: mdbible.org.
Category: News