Build it and they will come
And come they do. The collaboration of a number of God’s disciples over the last 45 years has become a living testimony of God’s provision and an example of the remarkable fruition of obedience to Christ. Without a strategic plan, donor base, start-up money, and with only their desire to obey Christ’s Great Commission, these men and women have created this Son’Spot Ministries, Inc. in Ocean City, MD that testifies to the Glory of God. Each year, Maryland Bible Society (MBS) participates in this ministry by sending many Scriptures in the form of New Testaments and booklets of the Gospel of John. This year MBS sent 11,800 Scriptures. These leaders, some of whom I met in Ocean City, prefer not to be named. As one of them tells me, “Jesus is the leader and we are just a small part of the puzzle.” And while free meals and music at the Fellowship Center are part of the ministry, preaching the Gospel, bringing souls to Christ, then discipling and equipping new Christians is the critical mission. Day in and day out, by allowing God to work through them, they do just that.
For 45 years, sand sculptures on the beach next to the Board Walk at 2nd Street have been a mainstay of Son’Spot. The sculptures. depict scenes from the Bible of Christ and His Apostles. Crowds gather to view them and some stay to listen to the message and watch the dramas put on each evening. Some of them hear and heed the Good News.
Each of these leaders is a servant preaching the Gospel with any tools God provides. In my 4 hour visit to Son’Spot’s Fellowship Center I learned this ministry is for the lost, the saved and the willing… for anyone who needs Christ. Here are a few brief stories.
Larry went to Ocean City addicted to drugs, in terrible shape mentally, physically and spiritually, despairing about his life. He walked along the boardwalk and met Christ. He went home a changed man, free of his addiction, with a new life and a Bible
Two teens from Ireland came to work and spend the summer in America. They found salvation there at the beach. They come to the Fellowship Center regularly
Laura, 18 years old, came to Son’Spot the summer of 2011 on a missionary trip from her church in Baltimore. She ministered to others. In 2012 as she prepared to enter college and move away from home, she came to Son’Spot for a week of spiritual preparation.
Is it any wonder MBS rains scriptures yearly on this amazing ministry? This is one of the many examples of God using MBS to assist in His work of man’s salvation. Your continued support makes these Scripture Grants possible.
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