Message From MBS Director
Thank you for taking time to read the 3rd edition of MBS Today. All newsletters are exciting to the writers, but sometimes the “news” is so good, you know the readers will catch the excitement. This is one of those!
Over the last few years, MBS has been mining the past and planning for the future in an effort to build on the incredible work God has done through the Society’s historic leaders over the past two hundred years. We, like they, are driven to ignite a fresh passion for His “Living Word” in this generation.
In Judges 2:10, just after Joshua dies, it is noted that “… another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what He had done for Israel?” If you are like the staff here at MBS, you have a deep concern for the young people of today. They live in a tumultuous world where God’s Word is no longer respected or trusted, let alone, read.
As you can see in our feature article “Bibles in Public Schools?” the urgency is now, the mission field is fertile and the need is great.
In addition to the young people, MBS is focused on the workplace — another critical venue of the 21st century. Do you remember when doing a job was considered a blessing, a true calling to be done “as unto the Lord”? Many people today think of their work as a burden, not a blessing. They have a hard time connecting their faith with serving sandwiches, digging ditches,
preparing a corporate budget, or running a day care center. But scripture teaches us that God is a working God and that we, as those created in His image, are designed for work.
Our brand new study series “Every Good Endeavor” by Redeemer Pastor Tim Keller opened this spring at Long Green Baptist Church to very high praise. Pastors and lay leaders alike are asking us to bring this unique study to their church and a variety of other locations. This is yet another mission field that is fertile… the need is clearly great but the resources are few.
We are excited! But we need your help if we are to keep the momentum going. Most Bible Societies have gone out of business. We are one of a handful still functioning and committed to this great work. The historic tradition of the Maryland Bible Society should not die on our watch. Through our recently updated donation page, located at, you can now give one–time and recurring gifts. As a monthly, quarterly, or annual donor, you can manage your own account, retaining complete control of your gifts, allowing immediate access.
I am asking that you prayerfully read this newsletter, and consider an immediate investment. Please go to, click on Donation and select the gift you will make. I pray that God will richly bless you and ask that you join us in praying that God will continue to grant us wisdom and provision in the days ahead.
If you are interested in learning more about the vision of MBS, please call us at 410-685-4040.
Category: News