MBS Partners with Stevenson University to conserve Historic Bibles

| April 2, 2012 | 0 Comments

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David Moyer, left, executive director of the Maryland Bible Society (MBS), and Glenn Johnston, the archivist at Stevenson University, examine a first edition King James Bible

The Maryland Bible Society (MBS) has joined in partnership with Stevenson University for the care, conservation, and educational use of our historic Bible Collection.  MBS is pleased and delighted this fine university has come forward to share and celebrate the rich resources for education and research this collection presents.

The collection provides a window on not only the history of the global movement started in the early 1800s of the Bible Societies, but also on both the history of Baltimore and Maryland.  MBS will retain ownership of the collection while the university, in addition to conserving the bibles, will open them for display and make them available for students and scholars.  In addition to bringing the Word of God to the community, the Bibles are a source of information about the culture at the time of their printing.  Many are heirlooms of the families in Baltimore, but many tell more of a story.  The original 1611 King James Version Bible and the Pauper’s Bible printed between 1580 and 1600 are a wealth of information about the period in which they were created.  Bibles printed during the Civil War came from both the South and the North.  While MBS provided small New Testaments with the Psalms and special prayers to both the Northern and Southern soldiers, we now know from the collection that there was a Confederate Bible Society that printed similar New Testaments in 1862 for their own soldiers.  This represents only small albeit an important part of the collection.

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About the Author ()

For over 200 years, the mission of the Maryland Bible Society (MBS) has been to see that every individual has an opportunity to own a Bible regardless of their native language or financial situation. Here in Maryland this mission has been mostly fulfilled. We now are turning our emphasis to encouraging and helping people read, understand and live out the truths and principles God has given us through His Holy Scriptures. As a non-denominational ministry, MBS is uniquely positioned to offer God’s Word without note or comment to Christians from all denominational backgrounds. This position allows us to work with all local Christian churches, serving and assisting them as they follow God’s lead. MBS has and will continue to establish and build partnerships that promote the distribution of the Bible, supply related sources and provide educational opportunities. Our vision is to ignite fresh passion for God’s Word to be lived out in the daily lives of people in Maryland and the world beyond. God’s Word contains truths that speak to all of the important areas of our lives: family, marriage, work, friendships, finances and parenting. It serves as the ‘road map’ for the often-overwhelming experience of life. It is a comfort, an encouragement, a teacher. It is convicting, edifying and inspiring. The Bible reveals our purpose in life. The Creator of the Universe has given us His Word to guide and direct us as we serve Him and live in the world.

As we embark on this renewed vision, our desire is to impact lives. As God leads us on this great adventure, we invite you to partner with us. Lives will be transformed as the Holy Spirit works through the Scriptures, resources and opportunities provided by MBS. Join us as we ignite fresh passion for God’s Word among individuals, ministries, local Churches, and businesses.

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