MBS Dinner 2014 — Engaging Excellence

| February 17, 2015

On October 29th, 2014, MBS held its “Engaging Excellence” Dinner at the BWI Hilton. We were happy and pleased that so many current Board Members, ministry partners, donors and church leaders  joined in to share the evening with us.

1-2014_dinner_dana_duke_and_dave_shiveAT LEFT: Dana Duke, Operations Manager for MBS, shares a moment with Dave Shive, Director of US Center of World Mission learning about the passion of USCWM to help mobilize churches so they may harness all their resources in pursuit of God’s Mission.



2-2014_dinner_sherri_and_steve_freemanAT RIGHT:  Sherri and Steve Freeman, President of Beachmont Christian Ministries are committed to help save the next generation one child at a time.  Sherri is a Regional Director for the Institute of Cultural Communicators teaching youth how to meet our culture head on.




3-2014_dinner_tami_wessert_dorothy_drinkwaterAt LEFT: Tami Weissert, Director of Real Women 21st Century and Dorothy Drinkwater of the Baltimore Fellowship Foundation enjoyed renewing their friendship. Tami gave a preview of the new interactive MBS Bible App, developed by GoTandom, to be introduced late winter 2015.




4-2014_dinner_bob_gaines_sean_williamsAT RIGHT: Bob Gaines, President of Harbor Christian Foundation and Sean Williams, Financial Advisor for Waddell and Reed shared the evening.  Harbor Christian Foundation helps local ministries through grants that support them as they fulfill their missions.


5-2014_dinner_cheryl_torain_jean_jeffriesAT LEFT: Cheryl Torain of Cheryl Torain Ministry and Jean Jeffreys, Owner of Body Transitions by NeeJas, are both members of the CPN Conference Committee, a strong supporter and partner of MBS.

6-2014_dinner_robert_musila_mark_miller_dave_moyerAT RIGHT: Mark Miller (center) of Metro Maryland Youth for Christ – Project Serve and his guest, Robert Musila of Flagger, Inc chat with Dave Moyer, MBS Executive Director.

Category: News

About the Author ()

For over 200 years, the mission of the Maryland Bible Society (MBS) has been to see that every individual has an opportunity to own a Bible regardless of their native language or financial situation. Here in Maryland this mission has been mostly fulfilled. We now are turning our emphasis to encouraging and helping people read, understand and live out the truths and principles God has given us through His Holy Scriptures. As a non-denominational ministry, MBS is uniquely positioned to offer God’s Word without note or comment to Christians from all denominational backgrounds. This position allows us to work with all local Christian churches, serving and assisting them as they follow God’s lead. MBS has and will continue to establish and build partnerships that promote the distribution of the Bible, supply related sources and provide educational opportunities. Our vision is to ignite fresh passion for God’s Word to be lived out in the daily lives of people in Maryland and the world beyond. God’s Word contains truths that speak to all of the important areas of our lives: family, marriage, work, friendships, finances and parenting. It serves as the ‘road map’ for the often-overwhelming experience of life. It is a comfort, an encouragement, a teacher. It is convicting, edifying and inspiring. The Bible reveals our purpose in life. The Creator of the Universe has given us His Word to guide and direct us as we serve Him and live in the world.

As we embark on this renewed vision, our desire is to impact lives. As God leads us on this great adventure, we invite you to partner with us. Lives will be transformed as the Holy Spirit works through the Scriptures, resources and opportunities provided by MBS. Join us as we ignite fresh passion for God’s Word among individuals, ministries, local Churches, and businesses.