MBS “Premier Series” Event…
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Early on the morning of Saturday Feb 16th 170+ people gathered for a full day to listen to Asif Mall, Christian missionary, Apologist & Teacher. He instructed them how to understand the Islamic religion and engage its followers. Even though the seminar was put together quickly, allowing for only a short advertising season campaign, the turnout was excellent. This is the one of the 2013 MBS “Premier Series” events in partnership with Christ Fellowship Church and held at Grace Community Church, 11611 Belair Road, Kingsville, MD 21087.
“An excellent seminar… presented by a powerful Christian apologist… to an eager audience…” (C. Johnson)
Background: Asif James Mall was born to a Christian family in the Pakistan. During his school education he learned to speak Urdu, Hindi and English in addition to his mother tongue of Punjabi. While growing up in Pakistan, Asif took the opportunity to study Islam from an Islamic viewpoint. This furnished him with an understanding of Qur’anic Arabic, and gave him the opportunity to start to research the beliefs and history of Islam, which he continues to this day.
Studies: As an able student Asif went on to Higher Education studying English Literature, Journalism and the Persian Language for his BA degree. He then went on to study English Literature at the MA level at Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan. In 1996 he went to the UK to study for a BA (Hons) in Theology and Ministry; during his student years in the UK Asif became involved with the international student ministries, helping with outreach to International students. He was also able to help churches around the UK in developing their outreach to Asian communities, and in supporting the persecuted church around the world, especially in Pakistan.
Ministry: After graduating Asif started working full time as a missionary evangelist to Asian communities in Birmingham; his roles includes being the consultant for Asian Ministry, evangelist, apologist, Trainer, leading a TV ministry and mission-mobiliser for ministry among Asians. Asif’s TV ministry reaches millions of Urdu speaking audience around the world. Asif has been able to serve Churches, Bible Colleges and Christian Unions across UK & around the world through training provided on proactive apologetics for effective outreach & evangelism. Asif also chairs PMRO (Pakistan Minorities Rights Organisation), which is a UK based advocacy & Lobbying group, dedicated to raise voice on behalf of the voiceless & persecuted religious minorities of Pakistan, especially Christians. PMRO is helping develop a support network of concerned individuals, churches & organizations in the free world, who are interested in supporting the persecuted Christians in Pakistan.
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